Green Mountaineers OK ‘greener’ heavier trucks

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Gov. Jim Douglas officially signed into law a measure that allows Vermont to join Maine in launching a pilot project for heavier trucks on select interstates.

Trucks weighing up to 100,000 lbs — about 20,000 lbs heavier than current limits — can use highways previously restricted to heavy loaded trucks.

The bill was approved in the House and Senate after the federal House of Representatives approved the FY2010 Transportation Appropriations bill, which extends the pilot project to Vermont.

The move places New England States closer in line with bordering provinces New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec, which have allowed long combination vehicle pilot projects for over a year. 

Proponents says longer, heavier trucks allow shippers to transport more freight with less power units on the road, thereby saving fuel and cutting GHG emissions.

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