Comments on: Canada-wide spike in insurance claims calls for enhanced training, oversight: Report Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Fri, 19 Apr 2024 21:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dale Francis Fri, 19 Apr 2024 21:31:56 +0000 While we are working on training for new drivers, we need to develop training for existing drivers to become coaches and Mentors so they are available to the new driver when he graduates MELT. Very Few companies have programs to develop the new graduate and take him from the tractor trailer licensing training , then into the work place training. The senior driver needs upgrade training about compliance, teaching adults, personal interaction, lesson planning and job skills to become coach. As Coach he can then aspire to the Red Seal designation . the red seal designation cannot be descibed until we develop trucking sectors and can describe the skill sets and equivalencies of the job performed by the driver in each of the sectors. I.E. dry van, flat deck, lowboy, dry bulk, liquid bulk, cattle liner, pneumatic, heavy haul, special equipment, concrete mixer, roll on roll off, log haul, oil field and its subsets, vac truck, dump box,,,,,,,,,,,,, we need to build support for driver development across the board to provide the path to safety and improved skill sets, then consequently Driver Recognition.

By: Joy Johnston Wed, 17 Apr 2024 18:53:13 +0000 There are two huge problems haunting the trucking industry and will continue to do so until they are resolved:

Number 1:
I don’t know how it is in other provinces, but Alberta has great commercial driver educational standards, but almost ZERO enforcement, relying on the integrity of the schools to do “the right thing”. Many of the schools are shirking their responsibilities in an effort to grab the almighty dollars and are not being punished for it because there are no consequences as it stands now. (I have heard that this problem exists in Ontario as well)

Number 2:
Once a student has completed a course, he or she still needs “onboarding” at their employer, however employers are reticent to hire new grads because their insurance companies are basically saying “No”, either by raising premiums or making rules that require 2-3 years of experience as an employment requirement, creating the “Catch-22” for the new driver.

By: Howard Moody Tue, 16 Apr 2024 02:53:07 +0000 I have instructed for almost 7 years at the post secondary level in a trade, and have taught in-house for many more years. I have found that quality instruction is often not the goal of training institutions, it is simply to get people in the class and get their money.
I do not agree with the idea that we need more training institutions. We need more people willing and committed to learn.
My formal training to drive a transport truck was at best 2-3 days, and one of those days was learning about air brakes. However I was always watching and listening to other more experienced truckers to learn as much as I could. It was made very clear to me when I started that I was responsible for the truck and load and everyone around me. I realized that it was a large responsibility, so I learned.( I have driven off and on again for well over 30 years [3-8 axles] on and off hiway.)
The notion that we have to be taught to learn is at best an incomplete theory of learning and at worst a foolish conclusion.
I have found that the ability for the average student to think critically has plummeted. This I think is from following all the “latest craze” in “learning theories” that is common in public schools.

By: Stephen Webster Tue, 16 Apr 2024 02:17:46 +0000 In reply to Ron K.

We need to stop all trucking companies from running self insurance or running a captive .Ont and Alberta need to follow the Manitoba or British Columbia model of gov insurance and limit new truck drivers and use a professional training program .

By: Ron K Fri, 12 Apr 2024 22:28:34 +0000 Until a government road test becomes a real test and “schools” – (yeah, I’m implying Brampton) only need to “train” for the test, perhaps we need to rely on the insurance industry and quality carriers to say, “unless you go to an approved, proper, full training institution, you will not be considered for employment”
Re: Humboldt – the gov’t gave him a licence

By: Stephen Webster Fri, 12 Apr 2024 17:58:45 +0000 In reply to Bill (Sox) Smith.

Well said I say we should limit all foreign students ( drivers) from all countries except 9 like new Zealand Australia U K , Holland etc to rural farm loads for the first season or after doing the melt program be limited to D class of 60 000 lbs or less or 25 passengers or less . Bring them in late Jan train ready to start driving on their in in a D class to Dec then send them back bring back next April. It is not safe to have 20 plus foreign students who have a job as a truck driver from a country like does not take safety seriously.

By: Bill (Sox) Smith Fri, 12 Apr 2024 15:50:07 +0000 It won’t change until such time as we have proper driver training schools.
It has to be removed from “for profit” schools and be government run vocational training schools.

When we did have vocational schools offering driver training, the graduates were actually hireable on short haul and city work.
Now we have schools selling certification and unscrupulous haulers putting those green horns on highway long distance operations
