Comments on: Freight markets should improve in the second half, but it’s ‘status quo’ for now Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Wed, 15 May 2024 14:33:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beau Darville Wed, 15 May 2024 14:33:11 +0000 Not buying the Q3 forecast for Canada. Two things have to happen before that prediction can come true.
One, this country has to have a federal election. No Canadian can afford to buy anything but groceries. There is no disposable income, and without disposable income, no one buys anything. If no one is buying, there is nothing to truck.
Two, Pride, the Pride Group of affiliated companies, and the companies that got their equipment from the Pride Group, need to leave the marketplace on the day the protection order terminates. That takes a lot of the excess capacity out of the space, and balances out the industry in a relatively short amount of time.
