CTA looks for backing on clean truck purchase incentives

MARKHAM, Ont. — The Canadian Trucking Alliance is asking for industry suppliers to support the group’s lobbying efforts to get incetives for truckers buying green-friendly equipment.

CTA wants tax breaks and other
incentives for green trucking technology.

Speaking today to about 150 delegates at the annual conference of the Heavy Duty Distributor Council, David Bradley, CEO of the CTA called upon the HDDC members to back the enviroTruck program, which would see government financial and/or tax incentives offered to accelerate the purchase or lease of new trucks equipped with the new, smog-free engine technology and other fuel efficient devices such as auxiliary power units, wide base tires, aerodynamic fairings, speed limiters, and longer double train configurations.

“By tackling both smog and reducing GHG’s, there would be a huge environmental payback for society and an accelerated penetration of the new 2007-10 engines into the marketplace,” he said. “Right now with the higher purchase price of the new trucks, combined with the fuel efficiency penalties associated with the new engine and ultra low sulphur diesel fuel standards, people aren’t keen to invest in new equipment and sales have dropped off accordingly.”

New 2007 trucks reportedly costs between $7,000 and $10,000 more than previous models.

In addition, to promoting the enviroTruck concept, Bradley also said he was bullish on the Canadian trucking industry, despite current challenges brought about by economic, currency, and capacity swings.

“There is no reason for permanent, long-term rate softness in trucking; all operating costs — labor, fuel and equipment — are going up and need to be covered; and the driver shortage is only get worse. No other mode can beat the service that trucking provides.”

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