US lawmakers propose new fuel efficiency rules for all vehicles

WASHINGTON — For the first time in the U.S., fuel efficiency mandates have been set for heavy and medium-duty trucks.

The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee yesterday passed the “Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act” which implements Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for all new vehicles to 35 miles per gallon fleet wide by 2019.

This legislation, which provides the Secretary of Transportation expanded authority to prescribe and enforce fuel economy standards, would create a combined passenger car and light truck fleet average no later than model year 2013. Passenger automobiles and light trucks would be equipped with fuel economy indicators and devices beginning with model year 2014.

It also requires that after 2020, fuel economy must increase by at least 4 percent a year as well as mileage improvement gains for medium and heavy-duty trucks by 4 percent per year.

This legislation, say proponents, would save 2.3 million barrels of oil per day by 2027 (as much as the U.S. imports from the Persian Gulf) and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 392 million metric tons per year.

“This is the first time in sixteen years that the Commerce Committee has reported CAFE legislation to the full Senate,” said Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii). “In those sixteen years, our passenger car and light truck fleets have been virtually frozen in terms of fuel economy savings … The time is now to develop a comprehensive approach aimed at stopping the impacts of global warming and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.”

The bill would go to the Senate for debate and a vote in June, lawmakers told Reuters.

Present standards for cars, brought in 1980, require new passenger vehcuiles achieve 27.5 mpg.

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