
CTA wants harmony on 11 issues

TORONTO, ON – Leaders of the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) and provincial trucking associations have come together to identify 11 industry issues that could benefit from improved harmonization. The call is designed to support a new task force under the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety, established in September 2016, and complements existing initiatives like the National Task Force on Weights and Dimensions. “This is a great opportunity for further collaboration between industry and government,” said Stephen Laskowski, president and Chief Executive Officer of the alliance. “CTA commends the provincial trucking associations for their efforts in contributing to our submission and looks forward to working with all interests in addressing the issues identified.”

Canadians comfortable with private fleets transporting cannabis: Ipsos

MONTREAL, QC – A majority of Canadians surveyed say they would be comfortable with private or for-hire fleets being responsible for transporting cannabis once it becomes legal in Canada later this year. There are still looming questions about enforcement, growing, storage, and transportation of the drug that will need to be cleared up in time for the summer deadline set by the federal government for legalization.

Lack of parking affects driver health; survey needs respondents

TORONTO, ON – A lack of truck parking in Southern Ontario is affecting driver health according to the preliminary results of a survey on the issue. More than 1,000 drivers have responded to the survey on truck parking being conducted for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to asses the needs of drivers, but the survey's adminstrator Ted Harvey is hoping for 2,000 more to answer questions before the Feb. 28 deadline.