Honda to demonstrate Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell truck

by Today's Trucking

Honda is bringing a Class 8 hydrogen fuel-cell-electric concept truck to ACT Expo next week, in a bid to find fleet partners for demonstrations in the North American market.

“Commercial vehicles, including Class 8 trucks, where fuel cells offer the best zero-emission replacement for existing diesel applications, are a key part of Honda’s broad hydrogen business strategy,” said Ryan Harty, assistant vice-president, sustainability and business development, American Honda Motor Co. “Honda is actively seeking business collaborations and customers to help bring these hydrogen fuel cell solutions to market here in North America.”

Honda FCEV
(Photo: Honda)

The truck is powered by three new Honda fuel cell systems that are in mass production at Fuel Cell System Manufacturing, a joint venture with GM. The fuel cells were co-developed by the two automakers, and Honda claims the Honda FC system doubles durability while reducing costs by two-thirds compared to previous generation systems.

Honda estimates its Class 8 truck will have a range of 400 miles (640 km). It has an 82-kg hydrogen storage capacity.

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  • EV’s are not the final answer to our transportation needs. The government needs to understand this and allow the consumer to make their own choices.