3 recruitment tips for driving and non-driving roles

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Trucking HR Canada (THRC) released a labor market report earlier this year that has some astounding numbers. Numbers that point to a projected shortfall of labor in our sector – 40,400 job vacancies by 2030.

But there’s also some encouraging news – more women and youth are joining the sector. Since 2016, 26,235 women and 34,185 more youth chose to work in trucking and logistics.

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(Photo: iStock)

The report, Driving Progress – The New Road Ahead 2024-2030, confirms that labor demands continue to significantly outpace supply despite the gains being made in some groups.

It’s easy to assume the shortage is largely drivers — it was in the past — but the data shows pressure points across the sector. In our research, trucking companies told us about increasing competition from manufacturing, construction, distribution, and a long list of other businesses — all of which are dealing with increasing workforce vacancies.

Let’s face it: we’re not the only sector that needs dispatchers, mechanics, shippers, receivers, or accounting, IT and HR professionals.

So how do we fill the vacancies and ensure Canada’s vital supply chain continues to roll?

We need to keep investing in and improving policies and practices to recruit, train, and retain workers. THRC data shows workforce investment and updated HR best practices work: when organizations put effort and energy into HR, they attract more skilled applicants for the jobs they need filled, including more women, youth, and immigrants. These investments also improve overall staff retention, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

What are leading employers doing?

Our labor market intelligence work includes an employer survey – augmenting our statistical data with employer perspectives. Close to 400 employers participated – and they had some interesting insights to share.

When asked what strategies employers are using to recruit and retain drivers, three items topped the list:

Offering non-monetary incentives: Here employers are doing more in supporting employee wellness and mental health – we all know that healthy drivers are safer and more productive. 

Improving work-life balance: Job sharing and part-time work options which help support better home life mean your new hires are more likely to stay.  And, with this being a key influencing factor amongst younger workers, innovative employers who execute this well will certainly stand out.

Simplifying compensation structures: More transparency and predictability in pay gives workers the peace of mind they need to balance their budgets and manage their home finances – a key consideration for all workers. Also, trends in hourly pay, and total compensation approaches have had direct impacts on driver retention.

When it comes to non-driving roles, we are seeing some growing trends amongst our Top Fleet Employers. These include:

Investing in training and development: Staying on top of modern leadership trends means your managers will be better equipped to handle changing work environments – a key factor in today’s workplace.

More flexible work arrangements: Non-driving roles that can support more virtual work environments are growing as the work-from-home model is here to stay.

Investing in diversity, equity and inclusion strategies: Diversifying your workforce helps support a continual pipeline of talent, helping you get ahead in the recruitment race.

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Angela Splinter leads Trucking HR Canada, a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the human resources challenges and opportunities in the trucking and logistics sector. Angela is a frequent speaker at industry events sharing innovative HR best practices, trends and insights. As a respected leader in HR, Trucking HR Canada works with various associations, government departments and industry professionals to ensure employers have the skilled workforce needed for today and in the future. Feel free to learn more at truckinghr.com, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us @TruckingHR for the latest tips, practical resources and more. You can follow Angela directly at @AngSplinter. And we can be reached by e-mail: info@truckinghr.com.

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