Cellcentric launches NextGen fuel cell system

Cellcentric, fuel cell company with European and Canadian roots, announced its NextGen fuel cell system, tailor-made for sustainable hydrogen-powered long-haul trucks, at ACT Expo in Las Vegas, Nev.

With a net output of more than 350 kW and its low weight — thanks to the highly integrated single system package solution — the NextGen system achieves the performance characteristics of comparable long-haul conventional heavy-duty trucks while reducing fuel consumption by 20%, compared to the current generation BZA150 fuel cell generation, the company said in a news release.

Cellcentric engineer working on the NextGen fuel cell system
(Photo: Cellcentric)

This is also enabled by a power density increase of 30% compared to the current generation, Cellcentric added. The system design enables a 40% reduction in waste heat at peak load, lowering cooling requirements for the truck. NextGen’s lifetime will deliver around 25,000 operating hours and is characterized by a high degree of sustainability beyond its useful life.

“Our NextGen fuel cell system takes heavy-duty zero-emission transportation capability to a new level,” said Nicholas Loughlan, chief technology officer of Cellcentric. “The performance features are tailored to meet the high demands of heavy-duty long-haul truck transport, which is highly sensitive to the total cost of ownership, in all aspects — but above all in fuel efficiency — without compromising on range, durability, or reliability.” 

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