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Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance Terhadap Pemilihan Auditor Eksternal Image
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Pengaruh Mekanisme Corporate Governance Terhadap Pemilihan Auditor Eksternal

The purpose of this research was to test empirically the influence of mekanimse corporate governance against the reputable auditors and election to test comparatively regarding corporate governance mechanisms and the selection of the external auditor on the financial industry specialization and non-finance listed in Indonesia stock exchange. A sample of these studies use purposive-sampling on the company listings on BEI.Analysis methods in use are logstik regression test and test different independent t-test. The independent variable in this study is mekanimse corporate governance described the institutional share ownership with a presentation, the presentation of managerial stock ownership, the size of the Board of Commissioners and the audit Committee's effectiveness. The dependent variable used is the selection of the external auditor were described using dummy variables for top ten reputable Auditors. Controling variable used is the size of the enterprise, leverage and the type of industry.Research results that stock ownership variable has no effect on the selection of the auditor ekternal the reputable. While the variable size of the Board of Commissioners and the audit Committee's effectiveness to the reputable auditor election. Test result different tells us that the mechanism of the corporate governance and the election of an auditor for the financial sector better than the non-financial sector.
Faktor\u002Dfaktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gejala Kelelahan Mata (Asstenopia) pada Karyawan Pengguna Komputer Pt.grapari Telkomsel Kota Kendari Image
Conference paper

Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gejala Kelelahan Mata (Asstenopia) pada Karyawan Pengguna Komputer Pt.grapari Telkomsel Kota Kendari

Long-term computer use can be risk of astenopia. World Health Organitation (WHO) recorded that astenopia case in the world on average of 75% per year. The office workers who the users of computer technology is part of the highest risk category of astenopia, some studies indicate that 35-48% of office workers suffer astenopia. Some researchers indicate that astenopia symptoms appear in 75-90% of computer users beside the effects of stress according to the data of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This study aims to determine the factors associated with the case of eye fatigue of employee computer users PT Telkomsel Grapari Kendari through analytic methods of observation with cross sectional study. The samples of this study are 33 respondent of employees in Kendari Telkomsel Grapari. The results show that there is no association between age with symptoms of eye fatigue (ρValue value = 0.464> α), there is a correlation with the duration of exposure to eye fatigue (ρValue value = 0.000 <α), there is a relationship between the level of radiation of computer and eye fatigue (value ρValue = 0.03 <α), there is no relation between distance of monitor and eye fatigue (ρValue value = 0.346> α). Anti-radiation technology is required to anticipate telecommunications worker health problems, especially computer users.
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Penggunaan Framework Cisco Sebagai Kerangka Penerapan Teknologi Cloud Computing Pada Perguruan Tinggi Image
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Penggunaan Framework Cisco Sebagai Kerangka Penerapan Teknologi Cloud Computing Pada Perguruan Tinggi

Cloud computing technology is very popular today, many organizations and institutions earnestly interested to use it. Reasons of efficiency and effectiveness to be one of the main considerations, in serving the management of information systems management with a larger scale. Universities as institutions engaged in higher education, has a service with the scalability and segmentation pegguna wide. It is appropriate to consider the use of cloud computing technology as the basis of his ministry. Some vendors have provided a framework for cloud computing as a framework mengimplentasikannya, one of which is a framework that is released by Cisco. The concept of cloud computing implementation designed using the framework cisco in college is aplicable and in accordance with the characteristics of high perfuruan information systems.
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